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Services for German companies

Partnering in Business with Germany is tailored to your needs

Looking for new business partners abroad? Seeking access to new target markets? Without too much effort? Partnering in Business with Germany gives you access to well-prepared entrepreneurs from 18 partner countries.

How participating in the partnership programme benefits you

Top and middle managers from the partner countries will visit your companies so that you can get to know each other and your businesses. This can be either as part of a group or for an individual meeting on potential cooperation.

Your company will benefit in several ways:

You will benefit from direct contact:

Each visit will give you a chance to meet with managers from around 20 international companies that are interested in forging business relations with Germany. As talks will be held in English, you can enter into direct contact with decision makers. In exceptional cases, we will provide interpreters.

Matching partners:

A targeted preselection process will ensure that the entrepreneurs and companies you will meet are a match for you. Both sides will benefit from the mutual dialogue and will gain access to new target and sales markets with which they have previously had few business relations. Often, these contacts will form the basis for long-term cooperation.


The selected managers will come to you with specific business ideas. Business is best done face-to-face, by partners who know and trust each other and hold each other in high esteem. The dialogue taking place on business premises, which is so typical of this programme, is ideal for building this kind of business relationship as it offers first-hand insights into corporate practice.

A chance to showcase your products and services:

There will be presentations both online and in the real world, where you will have an opportunity to showcase your products and services in front of entrepreneurs and companies from abroad. The visits by managers from abroad will raise your company’s profile abroad.

Overview: Executives of foreign companies in Germany

Find out when international managers visit Germany, where they come from and what industry sector they represent. Invite 20 decision makers to visit your company.

This is how the partnership programme works

Under the programme, managers from abroad will be carefully and thoroughly prepared for cooperation with your company. They will be familiar with Germany’s business culture, understand the benefits of Germany’s high standards regarding quality and the environment, of fair working conditions, of adherence to deadlines and contracts and know just how important these factors are for building successful long-term cooperation with German partners.

Participating decision-makers from abroad will have acquired comprehensive knowledge of the German market. They will know the requirements for making detailed bids and for formulating their own specifications for products and services. Throughout the programme, participating managers will hone the details of promising cooperation projects with potential German business partners. The involvement of Business Development Centres in Germany ensures that, from the very start of the programme, managers will be well prepared for B2B meetings.

Download our information flyer here (in German)

How exactly can I meet partners for international business through Partnering in Business with Germany?

For German companies, there are two ways of participating in the programme. You can invite a group of managers from abroad to visit your company and share experiences with them (company visits). This will give you insights into the market abroad and contacts with interesting partners. You can also contact selected companies from abroad individually and explore possibilities for future cooperation (B2B).



Every year, some 700 company visits and more than 2,000 B2B meetings take place under the programme. Approx. two thirds of the participating German companies are SMEs.

Testimonials of German companies

This is a unique opportunity to connect and exchange views with different companies that we would never have met otherwise. It is also about the public image of your own company or brand that may still be unknown in a specific country.

Vitali Walter
WEICON Gmbh & Co. KG, construction industry

The programme creates a win-win situation and is simply the easiest and shortest way to contact a company abroad. In practice this means that foreign managers get the opportunity to visit various German companies and I get the opportunity to introduce my own business to a number of managers at the same time.

Jürgen Epple
FLÖTER Verpackungs-Service GmbH, logistics / packaging

You’re interested in entering a specific market?

Partner countries from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America all have their own specific character and economic potential.

Contact us!

Do you have any questions about the programme? Would you like to know who is behind Partnering in Business with Germany?

Focus sectors and topics that bear responsibility for the future

Partnering in Business with Germany cuts across all sectors. At the moment, in particular participants from the following sectors are joining the programme:



Construction industry

Energy efficiency in industry

Renewable energy

Healthcare industry

Industry 4.0

Circular economy/environmental technologies

Food industry

The programme is being expanded to include new industry sectors as needed.

What’s new in Partnering in Business with Germany?

Visit our news site to get updates from our partner countries, read reports about successful co-operations between German and foreign companies and coverage about visits of foreign managers in German companies.

SME Support by the Federal Government

The Federal Government supports German companies in developing and securing foreign markets through a wide range of foreign trade promotion instruments.

In addition to institutions like the Chambers of Commerce Abroad, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) also assists in opening up international markets.

Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. With over 60 locations worldwide and a comprehensive, customer-oriented range of economic and industry data on foreign markets, as well as information on tenders, investment and development projects, and legal and customs matters, GTAI supports both German and foreign companies in expanding their business activities. GTAI and its services are funded by the BMWK.