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Information about the partnership

Partner country since 2001

Participants in the programme to date: 1729 executives

Political partner for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

There is great interest and demand for Partnering in Business with Germany among the Ukrainian business community. There also is considerable potential for cooperation, particularly in the context of the free trade and association agreement with the EU and the upcoming negotiations for EU accession. The programme is making a contribution to rebuilding the Ukrainian economy and is supporting Ukrainian managers who have fled to Germany because of the war.

Partnering in Business with Germany is open to managers from all sectors. The priority here is providing support for managers working in areas that are relevant for the reconstruction of Ukraine such as construction, the circular economy, energy efficiency, healthcare and food processing.

There is currently no official alumni organisation in Ukraine. However, alumni from Ukraine are well connected and support one another. The regional partners of the programme are working closely with the alumni in their regions. Ukrainian alumni are working to foster the social and economic development of their regions by strengthening their foreign trade potential. Here, you can access the alumni community’s Business-Hacks and learn about alumni’s success stories in a creative format.

How to apply for the programme

You are eligible to apply if you are a manager in a company with foreign trade potential and have a concrete idea for cooperation with German businesses, have several years of experience in management and have a good knowledge of the programme language.

What do you have to do to participate in the programme?

1. Fill in the electronic application form and submit it by email to an ed.zig@oknestul.anelo.   

2. Take part in a virtual interview with representatives of the programme in Kyiv.

How will the interview work?

The interview will be held in the programme language and take about 20 minutes. Your language skills will be assessed, and you will be asked about your intention and specific objectives for taking part in the programme. You will also be asked about the companies you would like to engage in contact with and your specific idea for cooperation with German businesses. Your idea for cooperation will serve as the basis for a cooperation project you will pursue during the programme.

You will be told within two weeks whether you have been accepted into the programme.


A special PG-initiative to strengthen Ukraine’s economy

Discover our offer for refugeed Ukrainian professionals and German companies in Berlin and Düsseldorf

Your contacts in Ukraine

A network of local partners is providing active support for business activities in their region by working with German companies.

Regional partners of the programme


Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Contact person:
Tamila Dmytrychenko
Dnipro Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Contact person:
Ievgeniia Boyko
Zaporizhzhya Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Contact person:
Olga Shcholkina
Volyn Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Contact person:
Iuliia Olimpiyuk
NewBiznet Business Support Centre (Lviv)
Contact person:
Iryna Kuropas
Division for economic development and trade of the Sumy Regional State Administration
Contact person:
Leonid Troyan
Contact person:
Svitlana Gromenko
Khmelnytskyi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Contact person:
Natalia Beliakova
Chernihiv Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Contact person:
Larysa Tsygan

Your contact to former participants of the programme

Via Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Contact person:
Programme office in Kyiv


Contact person:
Svetlana Stepashchenko
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 20, Velyka Zhytomyrska Street (5th floor), 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine

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