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Visits by foreign managers to Germany

Find our when foreign managers visit Germany, what industry sectors they focus on and how to get in touch with them.


The groups of visitors are mentored by regional business training organisations and create valuable opportunities for networking for German companies. You have the opportunity to invite these groups to visit your company, to exchange experience and create first contacts.

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Countries Date Industry Training center
Georgia 18.08.-31.08.2024 Intersectoral CONOSCOPE GmbH
Georgia, Ukraine 19.08.-30.08.2024 Food industry Carl Duisberg Centren
Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan 02.09.-13.09.2024 Intersectoral TÜV Rheinland Akademie
Mexico 02.09.-13.09.2024 Intersectoral RWTH International Academy
Mexico 02.09.-13.09.2024 Food industry IMAP GmbH
Moldova, Ukraine 09.09.-20.09.2024 Food industry COGNOS International GmbH
Vietnam 15.09.-28.09.2024 Intersectoral IHK-Exportakademie GmbH
Tunisia 15.09.-28.09.2024 Intersectoral CONOSCOPE GmbH
India 15.09.-28.09.2024 Intersectoral trAIDe GmbH
Uzbekistan 16.09.-27.09.2024 Intersectoral CEFE International
India 16.09.-27.09.2024 Intersectoral Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Region Stuttgart
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan 23.09.-04.10.2024 Circular economy / Environmental technologies Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
India 30.09.-11.10.2024 Circular economy / Environmental technologies RWTH International Academy
Egypt 06.10.-19.10.2024 Food industry Carl Duisberg Centren
Mongolia 07.10.-18.10.2024 Intersectoral DIBeratung GmbH
Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan 07.10.-18.10.2024 Food industry CEFE International
Chile 07.10.-18.10.2024 Intersectoral AHP International GmbH & Co. KG
Uzbekistan 14.10.-25.10.2024 Intersectoral IHK-Exportakademie GmbH
Vietnam 28.10.-08.11.2024 Intersectoral CEFE International
Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan 04.11.-15.11.2024 Healthcare industry Commit Project Partners GmbH
Egypt 10.11.-23.11.2024 Healthcare industry Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Region Stuttgart
Georgia 11.11.-22.11.2024 Intersectoral Madiba Consult GmbH
South Africa 25.11.-06.12.2024 Intersectoral Madiba Consult GmbH
Vietnam 25.11.-06.12.2024 Intersectoral CEFE International

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A brief overview of business training centres

You can find the headquarters of the business training centres here – the programme takes place in all regions of Germany. The centres not only organise training courses but also include a practical programme: visits to companies, fairs, B2B meetings