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Visit to DEULA Nienburg: promoting sustainability in agriculture

The managers from Ukraine and Moldova visited the German Training Institute for Agricultural Engineering (DEULA) in Nienburg. The six-hectare DEULA site is home to state-of-the-art teaching halls and training rooms covering an area of over 9,000 m² as well as an attractively furnished guest house.

©GIZ/Stefan Volk

There are currently 80 employees at the educational institution, with service staff and trainers looking after around 80,000 participants every year. The host, Mr. Alexander Zharov, Head of Project Development for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, gave the group a tour of the site, where the participants were given a comprehensive insight into staff training and the promotion of sustainable agriculture.

Promoting sustainable agriculture is crucial to ensure global food security and minimize the impact of agriculture on the environment. DEULA Nienburg’s training program brings together farms, agronomists, training and extension experts to explore modern farming methods and technologies that enable sustainable increases in productivity.

An important aspect of this Programme is the introduction of cultivation methods that are technically, economically and ecologically adapted to the location. The use of state-of-the-art production equipment such as agricultural technology, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides has proven to be crucial to success. This not only helps to increase crop yields but also has a positive effect on farmers’ incomes.

©GIZ/Stefan Volk

As the group’s focus was on food production, the visit had a special value for the participants: “It was impressive to meet the German farmers and companies participating in this program. I was inspired by their experience and commitment to sustainable agriculture. I look forward to passing on this knowledge in my country.” Another highlight of the program was the exchange with German companies that are committed to sustainable agriculture in other countries.

Such visits are also of great importance for German companies:

©GIZ/Stefan Volk

“Our programs are very enriching for Eastern European agricultural companies. We not only present our technologies but also learn a lot from each other. We are convinced that the cooperation and knowledge transfer between our countries will have a positive impact on agriculture,” says the DEULA representative.

The Partnering in Business with Germany programme has not only provided successful insights into sustainable agriculture but has also created valuable connections and partnerships. These collaborations will make an important contribution to improving agricultural practices and promoting sustainability in agriculture worldwide. Thanks to Cognos International Training Center for organizing the visit and exchange of experience!

©GIZ/Stefan Volk