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We are Making a Contribution: Trust Between German and Mexican Companies is Growing

To mark the 10th anniversary of the bilateral Partnering in Business with Germany Programme with Mexico, a networking event was held in Mexico City on 7 and 8 December 2023 under the motto “Forming long-term partnerships”.

The event got off to a turbulent start – with an earthquake. Fortunately, everyone in attendance escaped with a scare. After the alarm was cancelled, the event kicked off with welcoming remarks from Irais Barreto, Director of Global Economic Intelligence at the Mexican Ministry of Economy.

Gunnar Schneider ©GIZ/Renata Martinez Gomez

Gunnar Schneider, Head of the Economic Department of the German Embassy, then welcomed the participants on behalf of the German government. Dr Carolin Antoni, Head of the Sustainable Development Department at AHK Mexico, focused on Germany’s successful business relations with Mexico.

The panel discussion on “Green Transition – Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs” led to a lively discussion with AHK Mexico and TÜV Rheinland. Possibilities were highlighted as to how change processes can be utilised, for example to make production more sustainable and energy-efficient. In addition to further training and certification options, the discussion also centred on possible ways of financing necessary investments. Former Programme participant Carlos Morán Contla, project manager at EPSOL Energy & Power System Solutions, explained his Green Hydrogen project, which aims to drive forward the development of the electrolyser supply chain for Mexico. His company is active in the construction of substations and energy consulting and carries out grid and blackout analyses. Two contracts were signed with German companies during the course of the Programme and further cooperation is planned.

Panel Discussion "Green Transition - Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs" ©GIZ/Renata Martinez Gomez

Omar Serrato Ángeles, who took part in Partnering in Business with Germany 2022, described the added value of the Programme for Mexican companies as follows: “The biggest challenge for us business people is that German companies sometimes don’t have confidence in Mexican companies. But with the help of this Programme, we were able to better understand each other’s capabilities and strengths, overcome this obstacle and start doing business.”

Strengthening networks is also the aim of EMAAC, a Mexican alumni association of the Programme, as well as the alumni LinkedIn platform of former Programme participant René Gonzalez. The activities were presented with a “pitch” to promote further networking among the alumni present. This was followed by an intensive dialogue at themed tables between the Mexican entrepreneurs in the circular economy, Industry 4.0, logistics/transport and food industries. Among other things, they discussed how to better emphasise their strengths for the international market.

©GIZ/Renata Martinez Gomez

At the evening reception in the German ambassador’s residence, the exchange between the Programme participants and the numerous representatives from Mexican and German business and politics was further intensified in a pleasant atmosphere. Together with the Director of the Global Economic Intelligence Department of the Mexican Ministry of Economy, Irais Baretto, the German Ambassador Wolfgang Hermann Dold congratulated the Programme on its 10th anniversary. In his speech, he emphasised the importance of the Programme for both countries: “Partnering in Business with Germany makes an outstanding contribution to bilateral economic relations between Mexico and Germany, and the participating managers bring the best impressions of Germany back to Mexico.”

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