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New Programme Name: Focus on Partnership

After 25 successful years, the “Manager Training Programme” will now be renamed “Partnering in Business with Germany”.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the programme and against the context of a multitude of changes in the programme environment, a new image and further development of the programme was developed in the past months. The launch of the new name and the introduction of a programme logo took place during the ceremony at the BMWK on 25 October 2023.

The new image is intended to achieve greater visibility and a more tailored approach to the programme’s target groups – especially within the German business sector – and to promote a stronger sense of belonging among participants and partners. The new name puts partnership at the centre; the programme can serve as a door opener, supporting the development of new markets and opportunities to which the programme offers access.

The process was preceded by an extensive stakeholder analysis – resulting in a strong brand and a convincing, modern image.

The external image will be further developed in the coming weeks and will culminate in a new website. The teaser video on the Partnering in Business with Germany landing page gives a first impression.

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