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Networking event in India: A look into the future

Almost 100 alumni and other representatives from politics and business accepted the invitation of the Indo-German Manager Training Programme to the networking event “Forming Long-term Partnerships” on 21 and 22 July 2023 in Bangalore, India. The focus was on the opportunity to connect with German institutions in India, such as AHK Bengaluru, VDMA India and also the Fraunhofer Institute from Bengaluru.

After a welcome to the participants by Mr Manuel Palz, Deputy Head of Division for the Manager Training Programme at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK), Consul General, Achim Burkart gave a detailed overview of the state of Indo-German political relations. The AHK focused on economic relations and presented their services, which they also offer for Indian companies.

Manuel Palz, stellvertretende Referatsleiter für das Managerfortbildungsprogramm im BMWK

Manuel Palz then focused on the topic of “Green Transition” and highlighted the current direction of the German government: “Through our cooperation and focus on green technologies, we are investing in innovative industries that will play a significant role in tomorrow’s global economy. He also emphasised that the Manager Training Programme targets SME entrepreneurs and innovative sectors of tomorrow’s economy across the country, while contributing to gender equality, job creation and a highly skilled labour market, as well as decarbonising India.

Panel discussion with success story

The subsequent panel discussion took up this thread and focused on Indian companies. Small workshop groups then discussed related questions: How do I implement green technologies? Where are the challenges?

One alumnus, Mr. Kothari, told the panel discussion about his success in concluding a 15,000 euro sales contract with a German company. Through networking in the Manager Training Programme, Mr. Kothari was able to find reliable partners in Germany and establish a “win-win” situation for both companies.

The Programme of the two-day networking event and the many different opportunities for exchange and discussion clearly showed that the Manager Training Programme with India is a successful instrument of bilateral economic relations and that exchange and networking has an important role in mutual understanding.

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