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German-Turkmenian cooperation with green issues in focus

As part of the anniversary celebrations of the Manager Training Programme, which has been renamed Partnering in Business with Germany as a result of the further development of the Programme and its successful relaunch, Germany and Turkmenistan agreed to continue their cooperation in the successful foreign trade promotion instrument in the Joint Declaration.

©GIZ/Jens Jeske

The Ambassador of Turkmenistan H.E. Berdimurat Redjepov and Dr Dorothea Schütz, Deputy Director-General of the MENA, North Africa, foreign trade and investment promotion and development policy division at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action met in Berlin and exchanged the Joint Declaration signed by the Minister of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan, Mr Serdar Djoraew.

Both sides pointed out the successful cooperation in the programme between the two countries and welcomed a focus on green issues. It was emphasised that Partnering in Business with Germany is an outstanding example of German-Turkmenian cooperation.

©GIZ/Jens Jeske

The programme started with Turkmenistan in 2008. On 4 May 2023, a ceremonial event was held in Ashgabat to mark the 15th anniversary of the cooperation in Partnering in Business with Germany with Turkmenistan. Around 330 Turkmen business leaders have participated in the programme to date.