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A Start into the New Year with Regard to the German Economy

The Annual Meeting of the Training Centres (FBZs) of the Manager Training Programme took place in Bonn on 2 and 3 February 2023. The new Head of Division for the Manager Training Programme at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Mr Ulrich Niemann, introduced himself to the participants and presented incentives from the ministry with a focus on the German economy.

The Manager Training Programme is also setting new goals and emphases – here the MP focuses on the topics of sustainability and climate protection, just as the BMWK does. Industry-specific groups are increasingly geared towards the green transformation of the economy. Focal topics include the areas of healthcare management, the food industry, circular economy, energy efficiency and renewable energy. First groups for these topics are already being prepared.

In workshops and discussion groups, the responsible parties at GIZ and the FBZs discussed how future group programmes can be adapted to the topics. The aim is to promote trade with climate-friendly products and technologies plus the necessary adaptation measures for achieving high standards for environmental and climate protection at the enterprise level in the partner countries.

After two days filled with discussions and exchange, everyone went home strengthened and full of energy – let’s see what the year brings!

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