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New partner country: deepened trade relations with Türkiye

Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck and the Turkish Trade Minister Ömer Bolat met in Berlin on 27 September 2024. They took the opportunity of the Joint Economic and Trade Commission (JETCO) to deepen the bilateral trade relations between the two countries, signing a Joint Declaration on the Participation of Türkiye in the Partnering in Business with Germany Programme.

The two countries are already closely linked by bilateral economic relations: German-Turkish trade accounts for around one quarter of total trade between the EU and Türkiye. Both countries hope that the involvement of Turkish entrepreneurs in the Partnering in Business with Germany Programme will give a further boost to business relations between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This would also enhance the efforts of German companies to diversify their trade and supplier relationships with Türkiye. Germany expects a first group of Turkish entrepreneurs to come to Germany as part of the programme in the first half of 2025.


Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck and Turkish Trade Minister Ömer Bolat sign a Joint Declaration on the Participation of Türkiye in the Partnering in Business with Germany Programme. ©BMWK/Andreas Mertens

Habeck emphasised: “Germany and Türkiye have entertained diplomatic relations for exactly a century. Our trade, and the large numbers of entrepreneurs operating in the other respective country have very often been a motor for an intensive exchange. Our trading volume grew to reach 55 billion euros last year – the highest number in our trade history. The EU-Türkiye trade discussions and the agreement for Türkiye to participate in the Partnering in Business with Germany will strengthen this development even further.”

Teaser picture: ©BMWK/Andreas Mertens

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