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Sustainability solutions from German industry: executives from Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova gain insights

“Green economy” was the focus of executives from Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova who visited Germany in February as part of Partnering in Business with Germany.




The executives came from various business sectors, including the production of photovoltaic systems, start-ups in the recycling and architecture sectors and manufacturers of sustainable prefabricated houses. They all wanted to get an idea of sustainable business in Germany. During their stay in Germany, they gained insights into the work processes, practices and innovative approaches of small and medium-sized companies from Baden-Württemberg for sustainable development.

Technology for the permanent storage of CO2 from organic waste in new products for the plastics and building materials industry was presented by the start-up Carbonauten GmbH, for example. The renewable energy generated in the conversion process can be utilised thermally or electrically.

Heinrich Glaeser Nachf. GmbH, a family-owned company based in Ulm, has been recycling textiles for a long time and recycles 100% of textile residues and textile waste in order to save valuable and complexly produced new goods in the form of textile raw materials and fibres – and therefore also a lot of energy.

In the warehouse for old clothes and shoes at Glaeser ©Glaeser

Maksym Perepelytsia, whose Ukrainian company K.TEX LLC comes from the same sector, was not only impressed by the quality of the company’s products and sustainable processes. The opportunity to talk to the management also helped him to better categorise what he had seen for himself and his company. „These interactions provided valuable insights into their approach to business strategy, market positioning, and customer service. I was able to glean useful ideas and best practices that I believe can be adapted and implemented at K.TEX to enhance our competitiveness and customer satisfaction.“

There are numerous benefits for the German companies from the programme: “For us, the opportunity to present our company and our technology to decision-makers from the participating programme countries offers great potential to open up new markets and permanently remove more climate-damaging CO2 from the system,” confirmed Henri Beranek from Carbonauten GmbH. “In Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, we have found very good location conditions for our application. We will certainly build on the interest and market knowledge of the participating companies and intensify our initial contacts.”

Eberhard Brack, Managing Partner at Glaeser, also emphasises the cooperation opportunities offered by the programme. “As a manufacturer and recycler of textiles, the visit not only enabled us to establish contacts with potential customers. We are also currently looking for partners abroad for our textile recycling activities and see good opportunities to enter into co-operations. Overall, we were able to present ourselves to potential customers and cooperation partners from three interesting countries and expand our business contacts in these markets in a short space of time.”

Teaser picture: © Glaeser