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Green Transformation: New Impetus for German-Vietnamese Cooperation

This year, the alumni networking event was under the title of “Green Transformation: New Impetus for German-Vietnamese Cooperation”. This was reflected in the keynote speech by Manuel Palz, Deputy Head of Division for the Manager Training Programme at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, and in various workshops. The panel discussion also provided insights into the challenges Vietnamese enterprises face: climate change, sustainable economics, and the investments they require.

The alumni also showed great interest in the current information provided by the AHK and the German Desk Vietnam regarding export and financing options. Björn Koslowski, the representative of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam, stressed the fact that for consumer goods German companies particularly look for Vietnamese suppliers who comply with social and environmental standards. The new German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligation in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz) will reinforce this trend.

The event also acknowledged the 15 years of existing German-Vietnamese cooperation in the Manager Training Programme. Looking ahead was important to all participants. The future lies in a sustainable and climate-neutral economy and this will pay off in the long run – the alumni all agreed on that.

More on the Programme with Vietnam.