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“The Manager Training Programme supports Chile to push forward the green economy”

On 23 May, a networking event took place in Santiago, Chile. The participants were welcomed by Markus Weichert, responsible for Chile in the Manager Training Programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

He emphasised that the alumni work of the Manager Training Programme enables a linkage with other instruments of German foreign trade. Marisol Alarcón, Head of the SME Department at the Chilean Ministry of Economy MINECON, added that the Manager Training Programme supports Chile to push forward the transition to a green economy.

In addition to enriching workshops and networking sessions, the panel discussion was held on the topic of “Green Change – Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs”. It consisted of short presentations and discussions with experts from German and Chilean companies and institutions, including representatives of the German Embassy in Chile, AHK Chile, CORFO, Fraunhofer Chile, GIZ Chile and alumni.

Around 80 alumni took part in the event. They also emphasise the importance of such events, because “networking is essential for SMEs to exchange experiences and expand knowledge.

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