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Searching for partners in new markets

On 4 July 2024, 80 entrepreneurs from the Southeast Asian country of Vietnam and from Germany took part in an online seminar to gain insights into the Vietnamese market and establish new business contacts in Vietnam and in Germany.

Manuel Palz, Deputy Head of Division responsible for the Partnering in Business with Germany (PG) programme at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action opened the event and highlighted the business opportunities that the programme offers to German and Vietnamese companies.

The focus of the event was on the green technology, food, agriculture and health sectors. During the webinar, three German and three Vietnamese companies presented their ideas for cooperation. In this context, a wide range of products and services were presented: from high-quality fish sauce, to solutions for wastewater management, food supplements and through to the production of hydrogen-rich synthesis gas.

Manuel Palz (BMWK) presents the programme in the online seminar.

Both the Vietnamese alumni of the Partnering in Business with Germany programme and interested German companies benefitted greatly from the meeting through the lively discussions in the online chat, where participants used the opportunity to exchange their contact information, and through the presentations held. Both sides had submitted 45 proposals for cooperation online in advance and had used the online format to provide information about their own companies and make requests for cooperation.

Nam Doan, co-founder of Flowmetric and former participant of the programme, was enthusiastic about the webinar and said: “Participating in the webinar with the German commercial representatives was a truly enriching experience. I could clearly see the synergy between the innovative work being done in Vietnam and Germany, particularly in the areas of water technology and the shared vision for future collaboration.”

The event was organised in cooperation with the Rhineland-Palatinate Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam, the Agency for Business and Economic Development (AWE), DIBeratung and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI). The Vietnamese alumni network GVA and the OAV, the German Asia-Pacific Business Association, were also actively involved in preparing the event.