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Alumna from Chile accompanies president’s delegation to Berlin

 A Partnering in Business with Germany alumna from Chile, Valentina Varela, was part of the Chilean president’s delegation that attended the German-Chilean Economic Forum in Berlin on 11 June. The half-day event focused on such topics as environmentally friendly energy and critical raw materials.

In his speech, Chile’s president Gabriel Boric stressed the long standing partnership between Chile and Germany. He welcomed the continuously growing foreign trade volume with Germany but said he still sees untapped potential in this sector. He remarked how he was pleased that trade with Germany strengthens the value chain in Chile thanks to Germany’s support with processing raw materials in Chile.

Valentina Varela is an entrepreneur in the water treatment sector and represents her company Voens. While participating in the Partnering in Business with Germany programme, she met with German companies and was able to develop innovative soultions for water and waste water treatment that she now offers in Chile.

The EU is Chile’s third most impirtant trade partner after China and the U.S. Within the EU, Germany is the country’s most important trade partner.

Preview picture: Chile’s president, Gabriel Boric, opens the German-Chilean Economic Forum ©BMWK/Ulrich Niemann

Ulrich Niemann (BMWK), Valentina Varela (VOENS) and Babette Bolz-White (GIZ) at the German-Chilean Business Forum