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Cooperation with Moldova extended until 2027

On 10 October 2024, Mr Viorel Garaz, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova, and Ms Gerlind Heckmann, Deputy Director-General at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), signed a joint declaration on the continuation of cooperation in the context of Partnering in Business with Germany in Chişinău. A joint event with the market entry programme provided an opportunity for B2B meetings during the visit.

Moldovan companies are increasingly orienting themselves to the European internal market and in particular to Germany, which is the largest and leading economic nation in the EU.

Due to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Moldova’s neighbour, traditional sales markets have become much smaller or ceased to exist, and important supply chains are interrupted. In addition, sanctions imposed against Russia (closing off sales markets, interrupting supply chains) and enormous price increases in the energy sector are placing a burden on producers and consumers in Moldova.

1st session of the German-Moldovan steering committee ©GIZ/Vasea Platon

Mr Garaz highlighted the significance of the programme for the development of German-Moldovan economic relations. He said: ”PG is crucial for the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the economic landscape of the European Union. Moldovan companies don’t have much time to connect their business to the EU business, and they have many competitive disadvantages, such as low automation and higher prices. By sharing knowledge and fostering business cooperation between German and Moldovan companies, the PG enables the new generation of Moldovan entrepreneurs to meet these challenges successfully.”

During the session of the German-Moldovan steering committee, both sides agreed that the programme makes an important contribution to the establishment of long-term business cooperation between companies of the two countries. The programme helps participating Moldovan enterprises to gain a foothold on the German market and find German business partners which can supply them, for example, with urgently needed raw materials and technologies.

As to the recruitment of programme participants, the aim is to focus in future also on forward-looking areas, including the green economy and digitisation. To date, Moldovan business executives have primarily come from agriculture and food processing.

Company presentation at the matchmaking event between PG and MEP ©SBS
Partnering in Business with Germany (PG) and the market entry programme (MEP) pulling in the same direction

During a joint event of the two instruments to promote foreign trade and investment Partnering in Business with Germany (PG) and the market entry programme (MEP), initial synergies already became apparent: representatives of the health sector, including manufacturers of complex x-ray machines and air conditioning systems for hospitals, who visited Moldova in the context of the MEP, met with graduates of the programme and with representatives of members of the chamber of commerce and industry of the Republic of Moldova. The large number of B2B meetings suggests promising business cooperation.

1st session of the German-Moldovan steering committee ©GIZ/Vasea Platon
1st session of the German-Moldovan steering committee ©GIZ/Vasea Platon
1st session of the German-Moldovan steering committee ©GIZ/Vasea Platon
Mihai Bostan reporting on his successful cooperation with German companies thanks to the PG ©GIZ/Vasea Platon
Viorel Garaz, Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova, and Gerlind Heckmann, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) signing the joint declaration ©GIZ/Vasea Platon
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