In order to inform German firms about the great potential in this dynamic, fast-growing region, an event entitled “Azerbaijan: Hub of the Future – Strategic Opportunities for German Companies” took place in Mainz at the Rheinhessen Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Rheinhessen CCI) on 23 January 2025. More than 100 German entrepreneurs attended the event to learn more about the business opportunities in Azerbaijan. In addition to further CCIs (Pfalz CCI, Koblenz CCI, Offenbach CCI), the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK), the German Eastern Business Association (OA) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) participated in the event.
Great opportunities for German logistics providers in Azerbaijan
In light of its favourable strategic location between Europe and Asia, Azerbaijan is increasingly becoming an important gateway to the emerging markets of the Caucasus and Central Asia. The country is therefore expanding its role as logistics and energy hub, and this provides new opportunities for investment and cooperation in the fields of infrastructure and renewable energy for German companies.

During a panel discussion, Mr Manuel Palz, Deputy Head of Division for the Ministry’s Partnering in Business with Germany programme, underlined that in light of the planned investment and the growing international awareness it is now the perfect moment to explore strategic opportunities in Azerbaijan. The instrument of foreign trade and investment promotion Partnering in Business with Germany with direct access to suitable business partners in Azerbaijan is an ideal platform for this. Azerbaijan has been a partner country of the programme for 15 years now, and more than 600 Azerbaijani business executives have already visited Germany in the context of the programme. The partnership covers all sectors, increasingly with a focus on industries to foster decarbonisation and on climate action. Azerbaijani enterprises are interested in working together with German SMEs in the following sectors: green technologies, IT, digitisation and process optimisation, food production and technologies, smart farming and healthcare.
In particular, people in Azerbaijan are focusing increasingly on renewable energy. The share of electricity generated on the basis of wind, the sun and other renewables is expected to increase sixfold from 5% today to 30% in 2030. In the future, Azerbaijan intends to transport green electricity via underground cable to the EU and to produce green hydrogen in the long term.

Here, the logistics and transport sector plays an increasing role. In order to modernise the country’s transport system, the Azerbaijani government is promoting the expansion of transport routes (motorways, railways, maritime and air transport) by means of numerous reforms. These are areas which offer great potential for German firms.
Ms Elvin Yılmaz, Head of the department for international affairs of the Rheinhessen CCI, is pleased that the event met with a great response. She said: “The Azerbaijan Event in Mainz, hosted by the IHK für Rheinhessen, brought together experts and business representatives to explore the economic strength and opportunities Azerbaijan has to offer. As the organiser, I was proud to create a platform for meaningful discussions and collaboration.”
In March 2025, Partnering in Business with Germany will be celebrating 15 years of collaboration with numerous partners in Baku, looking back to many successful cooperation projects. This event will also focus on energy, transport and logistics.
Teaser picture: © Rheinhessen CCI/Stefan Sämmer